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Cameron Remmer

A 29 year old goes to San Francisco to start a medical marijuana company and never returns home

  • Last updated: February 3, 2022
  • San Francisco, CA
  • October 6, 2011

Overview of Cameron Remmer

Cameron Remmer was last seen on October 6, 2011. He was the youngest of four siblings and was not married. His family believes Cameron may have been suffering from a psychotic break during the time he vanished. Cameron was bipolar and was taking medication which helped keep it under control. On September 20th, it is believed that Cameron stopped taking his medication.

On October 1st, Cameron flew from Encinitas, California to San Francisco. He wanted to start a medical marijuana company and brought $30,000 cash with him. Cameron brought 60-70 packages of marijuana for his business trip. He checks into his reservation at the Fairmont Hotel. On October 6, Cameron is seen drinking at the hotel bar and is asked to leave by the staff due to his behavior. He checks out of his hotel but doesn't take any of his personal belongings with him. Instead, Cameron tells the front desk that he will pick up his belongings in a few days.

By October 7th, his family noticed that Cameron hasn't called his friends and family which was unlike him as he typically called family members every day. On October 9, Cameron returns to the Fairmont Hotel to retrieve his luggage, cash, and marijuana. The front desk staff would describe him as incoherent, babbling, and wearing two different shoes. Cameron's family reported him missing on October 11 with San Francisco Police department. Cameron never returned home on his Oct 30 flight.

Many believe that Cameron's disappearance is connected to the California Missing Five. The California Five: Jason Miller went missing on May 15, 2010, Cameron Remmer vanished on October 6, 2011, Crishtian Huges went missing on February 7, 2013, Shawn Dickerson vanished on December 2nd, 2011, and Sean Sidi went missing on May 21, 2013. His family is still searching for Cameron. If you have information related to Cameron's disappearance please contact San Francisco Police.


  1. Date Missing:October 6, 2011
  2. Birthday:July 30, 1982
  3. Current Age:42
  4. Age at Incident:29
  5. NAMUS Number:MP12843
  6. Race:Caucasian / White
  7. Gender:Male
  8. Height:5'10"
  9. Weight:170 lbs
  10. Hair Color:Blonde

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