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Daniel Birchfield

Do you know what happened to Daniel Birchfield?

  • Last updated: January 18, 2023
  • Augusta, GA
  • September 20, 1991

Overview of Daniel Birchfield

Daniel Alan Birchfield was last seen leaving his residence in Augusta, Georgia on September 20, 1991, after a car pulled up with three people inside. He got into the car and it drove off, and he has not been heard from since. He left his wallet behind in his home.

Birchfield was caring for his partner's elderly mother at the time of his disappearance and his family stated that it was uncharacteristic of him to vanish and not contact loved ones.

Prior to his disappearance, Birchfield had served in the U.S. Air Force, married, and had a son in 1982. He then fell in love with a man and they lived together. There are speculations that Birchfield may have disappeared on purpose to prevent his family from having to watch him die as a result of his terminal illness. However, his family believes he may have been murdered and they have a possible suspect in mind, someone who is already serving a life sentence for an unrelated offense.

The case remains unsolved.


  1. Date Missing:September 20, 1991
  2. Age at Incident:30
  3. NAMUS Number:MP508
  4. Race:White / Caucasian
  5. Gender:Male
  6. Height:5' 0" - 6' 0"
  7. Weight:100 - 190 lbs
  8. Hair Color:Blond/Strawberry
This case needs attention

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