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Khoi Vu

A 25 year old man with developmental disabilities disappears one morning

  • Last updated: August 16, 2023
  • Vancouver, WA
  • April 7, 2007

Overview of Khoi Vu

Who was Khoi Dang Vu? If you knew of Khoi, you would know that he had developmental disabilities and was deaf, and mute since birth. But, if you knew Khoi the way his community knew him, he was so much more than his disabilities. Although Khoi was deaf and mute, he never let these traits stop him from enjoying life. In fact, Khoi frequented his neighborhood Albertsons and would often walk up to a stranger with a piece of paper, write down his name, introduce himself to you, and want you to tell him about yourself. His outgoing personality, warmth, and friendliness is exactly the kind that made the world a better place to live in. When Khoi handed you a piece of paper with his name, he would tell you that he enjoyed playing basketball and video games, and especially loved to meet people. He might even show you a little bit of American sign language.

Khoi’s determined handwriting and warm greeting reminded those around him the importance of connecting with others, experiencing the world around you, and enjoying the small things in life . Khoi’s disabilities weren’t a crutch that detracted from his life, but a tool he used to let him see the absolute best in others and create happiness wherever he went. Khoi was a breath of fresh air, a cup half full, and a second chance; Khoi’s community remembers this version of Khoi and the positive impact he had on their lives.

The day before Khoi’s disappearance was a busy one. Khoi lived with his family in Vancouver, Washington. On April 7, 2007, between midnight and 1:00am, Khoi said goodnight to his family before their big day tomorrow. Khoi and his family were supposed to wake up the next morning at 8:00am to go on a trip to Seattle for his mom’s birthday.

Khoi was excited for the trip, so it was strange when his sister and brother in law, Kieu and Josh Dylka, came into his room the next morning to make sure he was ready for the big day and he wasn’t home. Kieu and Josh noticed that Khoi’s bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in. He also noticed that Khoi left his favorite jacket and trusty bike, his main mode of transportation. Khoi’s bike was left, which indicated to his family and law enforcement that he left his house between 1:00am and 8:00am on foot. This fact is especially concerning because there was a large storm that occurred the night he left. Khoi always enjoyed his free time and would normally go to Albertson’s to make his greetings or play basketball for one to two hours before returning home. Khoi has never left his home at night and always returns within these one to two hours.

On April 8, 2007, police investigate submitted tips and announce that Khoi might have been seen playing basketball a nearby elementary school. Search dogs are later brought to the school and pick up Khoi’s sent leading away from the school; however, police discount this tip two days later. On April 9, 2007 FBI join the search; Vancouver police officers, Clark County Sheriff’s office sex crime unit members, and 15-20 FBI agents went to the homes of registered sex offenders within two miles of Khoi’s home.

On April 11, 2007, law enforcement and FBI continue investigating local sex offenders, review security footage from local stores, search areas where Khoi may have taken refuge from the storm, and ask residents to check their property and keep an eye out for Khoi. On April 13, 2007, law enforcement, FBI officers, and Khoi’s family stand outside of the Albertson’s that Khoi frequented, surrounded by large pictures of Khoi, while handing out flyers with Khoi’s portrait and information on them. One week later, April 21, 2007 the Clark County Sheriff’s office announces a $1,000 reward for any information on Khoi’s disappearance.

On April 27,2007 Khoi’s case undergoes two major changes. First, police announce that Khoi’s case is now being investigated as a criminal investigation. Initially, police considered that Khoi wandered away from home but now believe there is more to his disappearance after completing searches. The second change in Khoi’s case is police announcing that they are continuing to talk to a person of interest within Khoi’s case, but they do not name this person. Clark County and FBI detectives reiterate that no one is a considered a suspect yet.

On June 30, 2014, the Clark County Sheriff’s office developed a cold case unit to solve Khoi’s case and the county’s 27 other unsolved cases. The cold case unit is comprised of volunteer investigators, a retired sheriff's office commander, and a retired prosecuting attorney. Currently, Khoi’s case is presumed to be a homicide and no suspects have been named.


  1. Date Missing:April 7, 2007
  2. Birthday:July 26, 1981
  3. Current Age:43
  4. Age at Incident:25
  5. NAMUS Number:MP4037
  6. Race:Asian / Pacific Islander
  7. Gender:Male
  8. Height:5'5
  9. Weight:105 lbs
  10. Hair Color:Black

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