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Patricia Becks

Do you know what happened to Patricia Becks?

  • Last updated: November 15, 2022
  • Waxahachie, TX
  • July 28, 1994

Overview of Patricia Becks

Becks was picked up from work at the Golden Corral Restaurant and dropped off at her residence in Waxahachie Texas on July 28, 1994. Becks was last seen leaving her residence on foot to go see her best friend down the street. As she left her home, she was approached by her former husband and an acquaintance of him. Becks and her husband had recently divorced and she had filed a protective order against him. She has not been seen or heard from since foul play is suspected.

Becks never arrived at her friend's house. Foul play is possible.


  1. Date Missing:July 28, 1994
  2. Birthday:August 6, 1966
  3. Current Age:58
  4. Age at Incident:27
  5. NAMUS Number:MP8365
  6. Race:Black / African American
  7. Gender:Female
  8. Height:66
  9. Weight:120
  10. Hair Color:Black
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